View the Monitor and wind the Music Box.A desirable pattern with this strategy is for the player to: A viable strategy for Night 2 involves the player only checking the Prize Corner, so that every time they raise the Monitor, they will be able to wind the Music Box immediately. For new players, it can be very terrifying and stressful. Mangle even has the possibility of leaving Kid's Cove as early as 12 AM. Not only will several new characters become active on this night, they will also begin moving before 2 AM, unlike Night 1. This is also the night where Balloon Boy, Mangle, and Withered Foxy become active, with the rare possibility of Withered Freddy, Withered Bonnie, and Withered Chica also making an appearance, forcing the player to adapt their play style in order to accommodate for these new additions.
This night is much more difficult than the previous night, as Toy Freddy, Toy Chica, and Toy Bonnie are more active. This night is the last playable night in the regular PC Demo version of the game.